How do I use Mailman for my mailing lists?
Our Web hosting accounts include the powerful Mailman mailing list software preinstalled. Mailman can be used to create group discussion lists or announcement-only lists.
You can use a simple list creation screen to set up a new mailing list.
You can manage your mailing list by going to a special page in your Web browser.
You can send a message to your list using your normal mail program, sending to a special address.
Visitors can subscribe using a Web page or by sending an email message.
You can manually use the Mailman pages to "invite" new recipients to join your list. When you do so, Mailman verifies each address for you.
You can change or reset a Mailman mailing list password using the account management control panel.
You can allow HTML messages to be sent to your Mailman mailing list by turning off "content filtering".
You can allow attachments to be sent to your Mailman mailing list by turning off "content filtering".
You may occasionally be notified that a large number of undeliverable addresses have been unsubscribed at once.
This usually happens when a subscriber accidentally sends his or her personalized unsubscribe link to all the other subscribers.
Turning off the “Send welcome message to newly subscribed members” option can cause this problem.
Explains how to view or export all members of a Mailman list.
This topic explains several ways to stop automated mailing list loops.
You can change member names, email addresses and subscription options in the Membership Management section of the Mailman administration pages.
Mailman's "mod" checkbox controls who can post messages to a list.
Mailman's "digest" option allows list members to receive several messages grouped together.
"Full personalization" controls the "To" header of the message that list subscribers receive.
If someone with a Gmail address posts a message to a mailing list, the message won't show up in their own Gmail "Inbox".
Mailman's "nodupes" option can sometimes prevent subscribers from receiving copies of their own messages.
Although the default appearance of the archives can't be changed, advanced users can use their own software to create archives.
The archive system supports up to 100,000 messages per list and provides searching in English text.
You can download copies of the Mailman “.mbox” file from our backup system.
We can manually delete archives upon request.
We don’t provide Mailman list hosting unless we handle all the email for the same domain name.
You can set the domain name Mailman uses to match a domain name alias.
Some mail programs incorrectly create "multipart/related" messages that will be filtered by Mailman.
This happens when messages are forwarded or BCC:ed to the list address.
This can happen in some mail programs when non-plaintext messages are sent to a list that has content filtering turned off.
Why does Mailman tell me a page I'm saving “contains suspicious HTML”?
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