How can I view or export all members of my mailing list?
Although you can use Mailman's "Membership Management" pages to view subscribers, those pages only show up to 30 members at a time.
You can use a different section of the Mailman pages to see all members on one page. To do this, you'll visit the public list management page and use the section at the bottom, marked "Viewing (Your List Name) Subscribers".
If you aren't sure where your public list management page is, these instructions will help:
- Login to the account management control panel.
- Click E-Mail Options.
- Click show mailing list details to the right of the list name.
- Click the first list link to use the Mailman administration pages.
- Login to the mailing list if necessary.
- Click Go to the general list information page (top of the page, right-hand column).
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, to the "Viewing (Your List Name) Subscribers" section. Enter the list administrator's email address and the list password, then click Visit Subscriber List.
The resulting page will show you all of the members of the mailing list.
If you need to actually copy the addresses, but they're shown with the word "at" instead of a normal @ sign, you can change that:
- Go back to the Mailman administration pages.
- Click Privacy Options and scroll to the bottom of the page.
- Change "Show member addresses so they're not directly recognizable as email addresses?" to No.
How can I export the addresses to a CSV or Excel file?
While Mailman doesn’t directly have an “Export to CSV” (comma separated values) or “Export to Excel” function, you can easily make the addresses and names end up as a CSV file, or as two separate columns in an Excel spreadsheet.
To do that, first follow the instructions above to view all the addresses in a Web browser. Then copy-and-paste them into a text editor that has a “replace all” function, and:
- Replace each space-and-left-parenthesis combination with a comma.
- Replace each right parenthesis with nothing.
This will convert lines that originally look like this: (Person Name)
... to lines that look like this:,Person Name
Then you’ll have a CSV file if you save the text file using a name ending with .csv.
If you want to convert it to an Excel spreadsheet, simply open the “.csv” file you saved in Excel. Excel will know that you want everything before the comma in the first column, and everything after the comma in the second column.
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