How do I send a message to my Mailman list?
After you've created a Mailman list and added subscribers, you can send a message to everyone on the list.
You'll use your normal email program (such as Outlook, Mac OS X Mail, or Webmail) to do this, just like sending any other message. The only difference is that you'll send the message to the special Mailman list email address, instead of sending it CCed (or BCCed) to each recipient. (Mailman manages that special list mailbox.)
The Mailman software on our servers remembers who is subscribed to the list. When it receives the message you send, it will distribute a copy to every subscriber.
The special address to send to is the list email address you chose when you created the list. If you can't remember the address, you can view it in the “My Account” control panel:
- Login to the control panel
- Click E-Mail Options
- View the addresses of the mailing lists you've created
When you see the email address, just enter that address in your mail program.
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