Web Hosting Technical Information
This section contains information about PHP and CGI scripts, MySQL databases, SSH connections, SSL certificates, and other website tips and tricks.
Each website comes with a hit counter and FormMail feedback form scripts preinstalled.
Information about custom scripts — including PHP and Perl scripts — and how to use them.
Some recommendations and installation instructions for software you can install on your website, including forum, blog, photo album and mailing list software.
Information about integrating your website or email with popular third-party services.
How to install and configure custom scripts.
How to troubleshoot script problems and get more assistance if you need it.
Our service includes complete support for MySQL databases.
The Unix Shell access gives hosting customers direct access to the Linux operating system of our servers. This allows advanced customers to modify their sites from the command line.
We offer SSL security for your website.
The amount of disk space you’re allowed depends on your hosting plan, with a maximum of 250 GB for any plan. Limits on the number of total files and files per directory apply, too.
You can customize the messages displayed for common website errors such as "404 Page Not Found".
You can use your account management control panel to protect Web page directories with a password.
Our servers support Apache .htaccess files and mod_rewrite. Advanced users can add password protection to Web pages, control MIME types, change "404 Not Found" messages, deny pages to certain IP addresses, and more.
We allow customers to use cron jobs (scripts that run at regular intervals) with a few restrictions.
You can use the account management control panel to add custom DNS entries.
Our servers support FastCGI and OPcache to speed up scripts for busy sites.
We make full backups of your site that you can use to restore from, but you should consider several important points. This topic explains our backup policies.
Several independent sites can be used to test that your site (and our servers) are working properly.
There are several things you can do to improve the speed of your site.
We offer IPv6 connections for customer websites, although you can disable it if you wish.
An RSS feed is just a text file in a special format that can be uploaded to your website.
Explains some pitfalls when using non-ASCII characters in URLs.
In some cases, "mailto:" links may not work because of problems on your visitor's computer.
Tips to protect valuable content from copying.
Our servers support Subversion (svn) version control software.
We do support TLS 1.2 and 1.3. This article explains more.
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