Microsoft Outlook 2007
We no longer support or recommend Outlook 2007.
Outlook 2007 is long obsolete. It has numerous bugs and problems, and does not work well if you also read mail on other devices like a phone.
If you like the Outlook program, you can get a modern, reliable version from Microsoft for just a few dollars a month. If you’re looking for a free mail program, Mozilla Thunderbird is much more reliable than old versions of Outlook.Since we no longer offer support for Outlook 2007, the information below is provided only for historical reasons, and should not be used to setup new addresses.
This page explains how to set up Microsoft Outlook 2007 (using the AutoDiscover feature) to send and receive email for a POP mailbox that you've created.
Before you continue, you should enter your email address (the address you want to set up in Microsoft Outlook) in the box above. Entering your email address makes sure that the instructions below are correct.
Tip: make sure the program you are using is Microsoft Outlook 2007, and not Microsoft Outlook Express. These two similarly named programs have different set up instructions. Be sure you do not see the word "Express" on the screen when you start the program. If you're using Outlook Express, see this page instead. If you are using an earlier version of Outlook, see this page instead.
Setting up Microsoft Outlook 2007 using AutoDiscover
The instructions below explain how to set up Outlook 2007 using its AutoDiscover feature. This new feature of Outlook 2007 knows how to contact our servers to get the settings for your email account. After you provide your name, email address, and password, Outlook will automatically retrieve the other settings for your account.
The AutoDiscover procedure will set up your email address as a POP mailbox. Separate instructions are available for setting up an IMAP account, or for manually setting up Outlook 2007 without using AutoDiscover.
1. Start the Microsoft Outlook program.
You can use the Start menu to start Outlook 2007. When it opens, click Tools, then Accounts Settings from the menu bar:
2. The "Accounts Settings" window appears.
Make sure the E-mail tab is selected, then click New.
3. You are asked to choose the E-mail Service.
Choose Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP or HTTP, then click Next.
4. Provide your basic email account values.
Enter the values shown below so that the window looks like this:
- "Your Name" is the name that other people will see when you send them email. It should usually be your real name, such as John Smith or Joan of Arc.
- Enter your "E-mail Address". The address must be the email address of the POP mailbox you created in your account management control panel, and it must be all lowercase.
- Type your email password into the "Password" box. This is the password you chose for this email address when you created the mailbox in your account management control panel. Remember that this password may be different from your master account password.
- Type your password again into the "Retype Password" box for confirmation.
- Be sure not to check "Manually configure server settings or additional server types".
When you have entered these values, click Next.
5. Approve the redirection (optional).
Outlook might pop up a window that looks like this:
If you see this window, check Don't ask me about this website again, then click Allow.
It's okay if you do not see this window — simply continue to the next step below.
6. AutoDiscover detects your account settings
AutoDiscover will now try to detect your email account settings. If it succeeds, you will see this window:
Click Finish. This will return you to the "Account Settings" window; click its Close button.
Note: If AutoDiscover does not succeed, you may need to re-enter your information. Follow the prompts and enter the information that Outlook asks for. (If you cannot get AutoDiscover to work, cancel this entire set up procedure and follow the manual instructions instead.)
Outlook setup is complete
You're finished! Try sending yourself a test email message to make sure it works.
Recommended additional steps: secure SSL / TLS connections and leaving copies of mail on the server
Some customers may also wish to turn on secure connections in Outlook. This makes email connections more secure, but may not work on some computers. If you want to do this, see the topic SSL / TLS Encryption for Outlook 2007 for more information.
Finally, if you read email on more than one device (such as a smart phone or second computer), you will want to leave a copy of each read message on the server.
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