How do I transfer a domain name that was registered with Domain Registry of America?
To transfer a domain name registered with "Domain Registry of America", you need to make sure that it's unlocked, that the "WHOIS administrative contact" address is correct, and that you know the "transfer authorization code" ("EPP code").
Unlock the domain name
- Go to
- Click Manage a Domain on the left-hand side
- Login using your domain name and password
- Click Unlock Domain
- The next page should say that Your Registrar-Lock Status is LOCKED; click the Click Here To Unlock button
- You will get another confirmation page; click the Click Here To Proceed With The Unlock button
- The next page should show confirmation that Your Registrar-Lock Status is NOT LOCKED
Verify the WHOIS administrative contact email address
First of all, use this WHOIS lookup page to verify that Domain Registry of America lists your email address as the "administrative contact". You can't transfer your domain name unless your email address is shown (for security reasons, the WHOIS email address receives a message with instructions explaining how to approve the transfer.)
If the WHOIS page lists "" or "" as the address, or the address is outdated, then follow these steps to fix it:
- If you are not already logged into their control panel:
- Go to
- Click Manage a Domain on the left-hand side
- Login using your domain name and password
- Click Contact Information
- Look carefully to find where the Administrative Contact section begins (it may begin with a yellow graphic)
- Click Use the following Information
- Make sure that your email address is entered in the Email address field
- You can also edit the other values in the Administrative Contact section, but the email address is the only one that really matters for now
- Do not modify the Registrant Contact fields; doing so might prevent your transfer from working
- Click Modify at the bottom of the page to save the changes
After you have saved any changes, wait a few minutes and then check the WHOIS page again to make sure your changes have been accepted.
Know your transfer authorization code ("EPP code")
Finally, Domain registry of America needs to give you a "transfer authorization code" that you'll enter on our Web pages. (They may also call it an "EPP code".) It should be available on a screen in their control panel; if not, you will need to contact them and ask them for the code. (Click Contact Us in their navigation bar.)
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