Will my secure site pass credit card PCI compliance scans?
If you accept a large volume of credit cards, your site may be required to pass a PCI scan or a similar “security vulnerability” scan.
Our servers are configured to help you pass these scans. We have many customers who are regularly scanned without any problems.
However, you may need to ask us to make some minor changes to the way your site is set up before a scan.
On this page:
- SSL certificate
- Disabling FTP, SSH and remote MySQL connections
- Security headers, such as X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy
- WordPress User Enumeration
- Setting the “secure” flag on all cookies
- HTTP request smuggling
- Can you certify that my site is PCI compliant?
SSL certificate
First of all, you’ll need your own SSL certificate. A free certificate we offer should work fine.
You may also need a dedicated IP address in some cases (explained below). A dedicated IP address costs an additional $2.00 per month (per domain name).
Disabling old TLS protocols
Some PCI scanning companies require that you disable “TLS 1.0” and “TLS 1.1”. You can do this in our control panel:
- Login to the “My Account” control panel (having trouble?)
- Click SSL Certificate
- Scroll down the page to the bottom of the “SSL/TLS protocol version settings” section
- Click show protocol options
- Choose TLS 1.2 or 1.3 only to disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1
Disabling FTP, SSH and remote MySQL connections
Some scanning companies require your site to reject certain connections. We can do this for you if so (you’ll need a dedicated IP address for an additional $2.00 per month).
Specifically, some companies require your site to reject FTP connections. To help you pass the test, we can block access to FTP (ports 21 and 20) at the firewall level for your site’s IP address if you contact us. (You’ll still be able to access FTP via the ftp.tigertech.net hostname.)
Also, if you don’t use SSH connections, we can block SSH access (port 22) from outside our network at the firewall level.
Finally, if you make sure that remote MySQL connections are not enabled for any of your databases, we’ll automatically block MySQL access (port 3306) to your dedicated IP address at the firewall level.
Security headers, such as X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy
Some PCI scanning services want you to set “HTTP headers” for security.
For example, they might tell you they want you to set headers named “X-Frame-Options”, “X-Content-Type-Options”, “Referrer-Policy”, “Permissions-Policy”, “Strict-Transport-Security”, or “Content-Security-Policy”. They may point you to a site like securityheaders.com to test this.
The simple solution is to add these line to your site’s .htaccess file:
Header set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN Header set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff Header set Referrer-Policy no-referrer Header set Permissions-Policy accelerometer=(self) Header set Strict-Transport-Security max-age=2592000 Header set Content-Security-Policy "upgrade-insecure-requests; frame-ancestors 'self';"
We can do this for you if you wish; just contact us.
Keep in mind, though, that some of these headers can change how your site works — disabling certain web “features” is the whole point of them. The values above are probably the least invasive restrictions that will satisfy many PCI checks, but some companies may want you to use different options, particularly for the “Content-Security-Policy” header. If so, you’ll have to work with the company to find what options they want you to set.
WordPress User Enumeration
If you use WordPress to run your website, some scanning companies will flag a WordPress User Enumeration vulnerability. What they mean by this is that it may be possible to visit URLs like these to discover the WordPress username, even if it’s not the default “admin” username:
http://www.example.com/?author=1 http://www.example.com/?rest_route=/wp/v2/users http://www.example.com/wp-json/wp/v2/users
You can block these by installing the free Stop User Enumeration WordPress plugin.
If you don’t want to use a plugin, another way to fix this is by adding these lines to your site’s .htaccess file:
<If "%{QUERY_STRING} =~ m'(^|&)author=' || %{QUERY_STRING} =~ m'(^|&)rest_route=/wp/v2/users' || %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m'^/wp-json/wp/v2/users'"> deny from all </If>
Again, we can do this for you if you wish; just contact us.
Setting the “secure” flag on all cookies
If your PCI scanning company says that your scripts are not correctly setting the “secure” flag on cookies that they send, you can force your scripts to do so by adding this line to your ”php.ini” settings:
session.cookie_secure = 1
HTTP request smuggling
Some PCI scans ask you to check that the server is not vulnerable to HTTP request smuggling. You can tell your scanning company that your site isn’t vulnerable to this, both because there’s no separate backend server that’s different from the frontend server (so there aren’t two systems that use HTTP/1.1 vs. HTTP/2.0, or that can parse the “Transfer-Encoding” or “Content-Length’ differently), and because we have mitigations in place (including using the Apache web server HttpProtocolOptions Strict option by default).
Can you certify that my site is PCI compliant?
Since we don’t provide any credit card handling services to customers, we can’t certify that the way you use our service is PCI compliant. In other words, while it’s possible for you to use our service and be compliant, using our service doesn’t automatically make your site compliant.
Your PCI provider may require you fill out a questionnaire each year verifying that the server that hosts your site meets some specific requirements. For example, they will require you to use servers that implement firewalls, require that all software receives regular security updates, and so on. We believe that we meet those requirements (our own site passes monthly PCI compliance scans and annual self-assessment questionnaires from Comodo HackerGuardian), and will try to answer any specific questions you have about them.
But that’s only one piece of the puzzle. Ultimately, it’s credit card handling software that you install and control on your site that determines many of the compliance details. When you install software like that, you’re taking responsibility for making sure it follows all the rules.
If you’re looking for a hosting company that handles everything related to accepting credit cards on your site, and is PCI-certified for that purpose, we’re not the right company to choose. You should instead search for ecommerce-specific hosting companies that include credit card handling services and therefore manage your site’s PCI compliance.
Note that most security experts strongly recommend that you don’t collect credit card numbers using software on your own site, instead outsourcing that part to a service provider. We agree with that advice, unless you have technical expertise in web script security. Handling credit card numbers in a secure manner is difficult and requires constant security monitoring. If you let a service provider handle it, you’ll still have to pass PCI compliance scans, but the questionnaire you’ll need to fill out is much simpler.
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