Why do I see Outlook error 8004DF03-0-0-560?

We occasionally receive reports of customers seeing the error “8004DF03-0-0-560” when using Microsoft Outlook with IMAP. The full log might look like this:

9:35:00 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Sent Items'
9:35:01 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Deleted Items'
9:35:01 Error synchronizing folder
9:35:01 [8004DF03-0-0-560]
9:35:01 Synchronizing server changes in folder 'Junk E-mail'
9:35:01 Done

A common cause of this problem is that the folder in question (“Deleted Items” in this case) contains “subfolders”, but is not a mail-containing folder itself. That may seem strange, but is possible.

The solution is simply to create the missing folder. You can do this using Outlook, or webmail; if you have trouble, contact us and we can do it for you.