MySQL Databases
Our service includes support for MySQL / MariaDB databases.
You can easily create MySQL databases in your account management control panel.
You can change a database password in the account management control panel.
You can easily delete your MySQL database in your account management control panel.
Error messages saying that MySQL is not available for PHP are almost always caused by uploading an incorrect "php.ini" file.
Explains how to connect to MySQL databases from PHP and CGI scripts (and even from other computers, in some cases).
Advanced users can connect to a MySQL database using the “mysql” command-line tool.
If you don't want to manage your MySQL database through the Unix shell, you can use the phpMyAdmin program we provide.
You can use phpMyAdmin to import a SQL dump file into your MySQL database.
You can avoid problems when adding more than a few thousand rows to a database table.
We make daily backups of all MySQL databases.
We automatically optimize small MySQL tables once a month.
We currently use MariaDB version 10.11.11 for MySQL databases.
If you wish, you can enable remote connections to your database so that you can connect directly to the database from your own computer.
The phpMyAdmin tool can be used to export and then import a database, allowing you to create a duplicate database with a different name.
We're occasionally asked if it's possible to create additional MySQL usernames that have different permissions for the same database.
MySQL triggers are supported.
MySQL stored procedures are supported.
This page explains our policies about MySQL database size and CPU load.
If you get a MySQL error message saying “ Error 1709: The maximum column size is 767 bytes”, you can fix this by changing the ROW_FORMAT of your table to DYNAMIC.
If you get a MySQL error message saying “ Error 1104: The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows”, you probably have an error in your database query.
Explains the technical details of how we “hash” MySQL passwords.
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